King Salomon: Auric Region

  • Release personality masks that have been hiding your true essence.

  • Clear Ancestral Karma that is not your responsibility.

  • Open the possibility to heal illnesses caused by interference in your aura.

  • Step into a new reality with a greater sense of purpose and your divinity.

About the session.

This healing series is the most profound healing series I am trained in.

It will truly change your life.

We each live in a box- this box is generated by our thoughts, opinions, the stories we were told as a child, the trauma we incurred as a child, programming from childhood, and yes- even codes within our physical DNA itself that we inherited from our ancestry.

How do we break the box?

Coming out of our box is something which takes time- in a way, our box has served us. It has kept us safe and helped us to interact with others in a certain way. However it is not who we are and will at some point feel extremely stifling. So how do we break free?

The Path of Progression and King Salomon Healings

The Initiations on the Path of Progression like Empower Thyself Initiation is a main tool to help us break free from our boxes- it helps us to see our boxes and the boxes of others and then make different choices.

However, some frameworks are so deeply held, we don’t even see them. In that case, the Auric Region series will help us to clear those falsehoods, misunderstandings and burdens from our aura so that we are free to make choices which we never considered as possibilities.

What can I expect?

The 10-session series is typically graceful for clients, especially if they have already taken the Empower Thyself Initiation.

The energy from the session is gentle but profoundly heals and clears deeply held patterns of thought and being from within the aura, so that the true light of the soul can emanate.

Clients leave each session feeling a deep sense of peace and calm, and clarity about who they truly are. For some clients who struggle with mystery illnesses, or incurable disease, they have found relief through this series

What is the structure?

The first session is an in depth discussion to ensure that it is the right fit for you at the right time. This series requires full commitment and will not serve someone if they stop prematurely.

The remaining 9 sessions are booked 2 weeks or so apart (up to a month if needed). The whole series is $3000, or $350 per session.