For Metaphysics and Magick

Live Your Life Purpose






Energy Healing



Live Your Life Purpose • Initiation • Meditation • Energy Healing • Community

Empower Thyself


December 7-8, 2024

Initiation into the Lineage of King Salomon

Are you ready to take a leap into your next highest timeline? This is truly the adventure of a life time- to tap your greatest potential, and remember the reason why you were born.

It is time to embrace your divine self through the adept initiate program in the mysteries of life. Follow the footsteps of great thinkers of old like DaVinci, Tesla, Shakespeare and more and take your place amongst the stars.

The mysteries were once reserved for an elite few, but we are in a time of no more secrets where more members of humanity are ready to step into their greatness, reclaim their divinity and live a life of service, purpose and joy.

Are you ready?

  • The core tenet of applied metaphysics is ultimately to Know Thyself. Through this self-knowledge you are able to stretch beyond your current limitations and tap your unique genius.

What the institute offers

  • Metaphysics Primer

    The first weekend of Metaphysical studies inlcudes the Life Activation, Sacred Geometry and Astral travel

  • A life of Miracles- True Magick

    In the second weekend of study the student receives initiation into the Lineage of King Salomon, along with ancient ritual practices and teachings. This is the first step on the path of living a miraculous life.

  • Community

    Whether as a starting point or a way to stay connected with the teachings, all students are invited to participate in community events, weekly meditations, book clubs and more.


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